Saturday, June 6, 2009

Spring Events!

Pirates is alive and kicking this spring! Our winter hours have continued, as have our monthly events. Heck, sometimes we have 2, or 3 (or 4) in a month! check out the Events page to keep up with what we are hosting or attending around town.

This Saturday June 13 we will be hosting one of our THREE Bike Month events - the Bike Pirates' Bike Wash! Join us in the back alley for a high-school-movie style Car wash...for bikes! We will scrub your bike, clean it off, lube it, pump the tires and let you know about any mechanical problems that might need attention.
June 13, 2-6pm.
$5-$10 PWYC

This is a fundraiser for the Bike Pirates kitchen mission. Help us finish building our counters so we can restart our Saturday Lunch Program!
